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However, that’s not the only attraction of Tesco. Tesco also provide the cheapest groceries and goods in town. Being the largest retailers in town, they get cheaper price from suppliers and we as the consumers gain the same benefits. Tesco also produced their own products almost in all kinds of variety for customer selection. Moreover, their own products are also cheaper than others branded goods. The place is almost suitable for different group of incomers.
The concept is also family friendly, since it provided small lot for other retailers. At the same time, it also has children playground in the mall. From a simply trolley we can see their initiative and creativity to welcome more customers. The trolleys are specially designed in few different forms. Trolleys with baby handle are for parents who have small babies. Trolleys with small size are specially made for children. They want kids to enjoy the shopping process as well. How nice.
I believe it will continue to grow very fast in here. Cheap cheap cheap!
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